IMVU: Fun 3D Avatar Chat Game App Reviews

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Cest chiant cest pas en francais.


I wish there was 3D in a the chat rooms so it will be better

Earning more credits

Daily rewards for computer and mobile should just keep going! And when you message your friends etc. On mobile you should be aloud to do it on computer too. Last thing, when you want to write something down, there should be more colours like grey!! Or black etc!! Darker colours!!

My Review

Well, I like the app.. But I wish they could make the app more the the computer version (3D Chat rooms, etc). I also wish they could add daily rewards, that would make the app amazing. So I recommend making it like the computer version.

Great and useful, but I think adding 3D chat rooms and fix a few bugs in the free credit offers would make it better



Really fun

Its really fun. But they need to add in 3D chat rooms!!

Wtf is with this

This game when I bought credits it said that it couldnt connect, so I check if it wasted my money, and it did.. When it didnt come threw. What a rip off. Never going to do this again. dont trust imvu!! I suggest you buy it on laptop instead.

I like it but..

My shops always say error whenever I try to buy something! Please fix

Will rate 5 stars soon if..

The app actually needs to have a room where they can move around and interact, I know it may sound selfish but I think its better to see and move around in a game then just type and talk... Also with gifting other people it wont let it because it says not enough coins? Even though I had 2.000 of them... Also maybe people can get 39 credits a day? When they log in


They should make it like the game nick dominates played it

Computer version

I would like to have it more like the computer version. Like how you can be in a chat room and move around and stuff. I cant do that on the mobile.


Im not very pleased with the mobil chat, I have tried 4 times today to chat with a friend, I couldnt see the room I was in, couldnt see my Avatar or my friends, and none of the writing showed up from either Avatar, what is wrong with the chat, I use to hat all the time on mobile and had no trouble at all, please get it fixed and working properly then Ill redo my review. There have been way to many bugs going on through the years. Also upset that just because I drop VIP after many years of having it,( I paid for VIP with my own money)I feel its not fair or right that my shop gets taken away from me, whats up with that??? Not right and not fair, not to mention all the music that has been taken from my IMVU music list, that I also paid for out of my own pocket and havent been reimbursed for any of that, what gives? This also is not fair.please make thinks right and fair for the consumers before everyone moves on to a different sight. As I have seen this happen on other sights. I hope to see some feed back on this in my messages. Have a good day.


We should be able to post from gallery right on the app


Ive been on the computer with this game but it seems to give me a virus every time. It would be nice if we can get daily credits and more than just surveys and stuff where we have to release our private information for credits. It would be nice if we could just download apps or give you feedback.We should be able to move around in chats too. Be able to access out house, I know on the computer you give us houses but you should do it on the app too. Basically what Im trying to say it make the app a miner and portable imvu.

Imvu account for sell

Imvu account for sell dm me on instragram @coach_imvu

Really unfair from computer

This is unfair we cant really do anything we cant walk around like the computer one please make it the same as the computer one beacuse all I can do is dress up and go to boring Starbucks but I love the the deatails


If it was like the one on pc I would play it I dont have a computer but other wise it is fun

Useable but needs improvements.

Imvu on mobile is useable and thats quite good but we NEED to be able to move around. I think thatd be great for everyone in the next update. Not a lot of people have computers or some peoples computers are broken ( like mine). Its kinda unfair that you have the ability to only walk in chat now. We should also be able to use 3D animations in chatrooms as well. I hope to see this in the next update.


Be my friend @weekndvibes

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